- AI 日貨網店創業課程 | 網店創業 | AI 網店 | AI 創業 |
- 「AI 日貨網店創業課程」是針對想兼職創業的人士而設計的專業課程,課程包含了豐富的網店創業知識,幫助學員順利達到兼職創業的目標。透過課程,學員可以創立自己的網店,學習到如何以「零存貨」模式經營。「零存貨」模式是現今香港網店經營中其中一種非常受歡迎的網上銷售模式,它不需要存貨,讓你沒有資金壓力下,輕鬆開展網上生意。
- www.onlinemarketingleader.com/ai-eshop.html
- online shop | home based business | eshop |
- Start your online shop home based business with ZERO CAPITAL! Introduce techniques on how to build an online business model which has been running smoothly and successfully by some Hong Kong merchants whose monthly online sales profits had already exceeded HK$20,000 to HK$30,000.
- www.onlinemarketingleader.com/online_shop.html